DISC is a needs-motivated, observable behavioral profiling system which measures the energy you are putting into dominating problems, influencing people, steadying the environment, and complying to rules and details.
Your style is the best! All styles have unique strengths and challenges.
DISC is a short description of YOU, custom designed in 10-15 minutes. It helps you to recognize your own style, see what works about you, and control your own style. It tells others how to communicate with you, anticipates normal tensions in relationships, shows you how to read others and adapt your communication.
DISC shares information about our favorite topic – us! It is also a quick and easy assessment, and the model is easy to recall, non-threatening, makes authentic sharing easy.
DISC measures our underlying emotions, needs and fears (like an iceberg), the primary concerns that drive all behavior. Through self-selection, you choose the words that are most like you and the words that are least like you, and through those responses, the tool reveals your behavioral style.
It does not measure intelligence, education, experience, aptitude, mental health, or values.
You'll be able to read about your unique behavioral style, your tendencies, needs, preferred environment for greatest opportunities to be effective, and strategies for adapting behavior appropriately with others. You will also learn more about your strengths and potential challenges.
Reports also include insights about other DISC styles so you can learn more about how others act and what their strengths and weaknesses are as well. When you do this in a work team setting, you will end up with a greater understanding of your workplace colleagues to help you with effective communication strategies going forward.
You may gain greater insight into how you respond to challenges, how you influence and interact with others, how you operate at your preferred pace, and how well you follow directions and function with structure in place, as well as many other tendencies.
When you are aware of these dimensions and know how to apply them effectively, you can use your style strengths or modify your style weaknesses to meet your needs and the needs of others.

A DISC report has three parts:

  • Part I helps you understand each DISC style and identifies characteristics, including the tendencies of each behavioral style. The overview of the model is provided to help you with a strong foundation of understanding in directness, openness, pace, priority, and the emotions of each style.
  • Part II focuses on understanding yourself and will reveal information about the tendencies that make you unique. You’ll receive narratives and visuals that support your understanding of your style as well as bullet-point lists including Communication Do's and Don’ts, Your Workplace Tendencies, Potential Areas of Improvement, How You Respond in Stress, and your 12 Behavioral Tendencies at Work. This section is all about you, and there are several pages devoted to helping you achieve a deeper understanding of your style blend.
  • Part III explores adaptability and offers actionable recommendations for you and others who interact with you. This section is designed as a resource to assist you in communicating more effectively with others and includes multiple tools to help you practice your new DISC knowledge and guide your continued development and implementation in your everyday environments.
We all have different biases, preferences, motivations/values, critical thinking skills, experience, education, and intelligence levels that influence our behavior. DISC is a combination of nature and nurture, so we all have had different things shape us. The same way that we all have different hair or prefer different flavors of ice cream, we all act and communicate in different ways. Plus, we need all four styles in the world to be as effective as possible.

What is the DISC Assessment used for?

DISC teaches users how to identify the predictable aspects of behavior and communication and to use that knowledge to their advantage. The ability to create a strong and immediate connection with others is a fundamental skill in sales, management, executive-level leadership, and everyday life.
The goal of DISC is to help users build and maximize productive relationships. Users don’t need to change their personality traits; they need to recognize what drives and motivates others and determine the best ways to effectively interact with them.
The comprehensive, yet simple, DISC reports teach users specific skills to improve their personal interactions that create immediate results.

DISC Assessment applications include:

  • Hiring & Selection using Benchmarking - Gives business owners, managers, and HR professionals the tools they need to compare applicants to desirable job-performance benchmarks
  • Change Management - Teaches behaviors that transform resistance into receptivity
  • Coaching - Empowers you to help others consistently achieve their potential
  • Conflict Resolution - Brings clarity, rapport, and understanding to different behavioral styles
  • Customer Service - Teaches administrative and customer support teams how to dependably provide world-class service and effective interaction regardless of behavioral style
  • Leadership Programs - Teaches leaders how to get the most out of their teams in a way that really works
  • Management Skills - Teaches methods to consistently and genuinely motivate, engage, and challenge their staff
  • Mentoring - Reveals how to propel fast trackers and high-potentials to greater effectiveness
  • Sales Training - Enhances revenue by teaching sales professionals the keys to harnessing identifiable behaviors in their prospects
  • Team Building - Helps create teams based on compatible skills and traits as well as identifying where other support or resources may be needed to address performance gaps
  • Productive Meetings - Assists in planning meetings that account for behavioral styles to ensure best outcomes and results


Taking a DISC assessment involves answering a questionnaire about your own behavior by choosing descriptors most like you and least like you. From your selections, an algorithm returns your personal behavioral blend and your scores produce a profile report.
Although a person’s Natural profile tends to stay fairly consistent over time, the Adapted style can change based on the environment, situation, or relationship and is a reflection of a moment in time. Some may consider taking the assessment again several years apart because the accuracy of the assessment itself is continually improved. Keep in mind, changes to behavioral style can also occur due to seasons of life and emotional experiences. It’s always a good idea to continue to evaluate your behavioral patterns to build awareness of how you are responding to various situations, environments, and relationships.
Scoring and reporting is done electronically and can be provided immediately. In some cases, your leader or facilitator may choose to provide the results to you at a later time.
Some people are concerned that DISC profiles can place unfair labels on people. For example, you might have heard someone dismiss someone’s action or comments with a remark like “She’s a D, what do you expect?” Assigning labels and rationalizing poor behavior are not what DISC profiles are about. Not all D styles behave or respond in the same way, especially when we consider the style blend. A DC will behave differently than a DI, even though their primary style is the same. DISC simply helps people better understand behavioral and communication preferences and priorities.
DISC is a theory based on the research of William Moulton Marstin. No one “owns the theory”; unfortunately, the assessment industry is largely unregulated, which means anyone can produce an assessment and call it a DISC profile.
What that means, is the reliability, validity and accuracy of DISC profiles on the market, varieties dramatically.
To combat this, our assessment has gone through 3rd party reliability and validity studies, which we have published for you.
Other things to consider:
  • Our assessment platform is a global leader in assessment technology that enables you to purchase, deliver and manage your assessments from anywhere.
    • We offer you the option to customize your admin portal, reports, and communication with your own branding
  • What are the DISC profile costs?
  • Team reports and trainer materials are included for you
In most cases, it takes 10-15 minutes to complete the questionnaire.
The good news about DISC assessments is that there are no right or wrong answers. They're also simple to take online, with some assessments taking as little as 10 minutes to complete.
When you begin the assessment, you will make 26 selections of the words or phrases that are most like you and the words or phrases that are least like you. From these choices, the report algorithm determines the balance of your DISC blend and returns the comprehensive report tool.
The DISC assessment can be tricked, but it’s not that easy! It is not always obvious what the answer “should” be (most and least is the basis, not a scale, and the algorithm is based on both). There are also some answers that are specifically validity answers to ensure integrity.
DISC has high statistical accuracy, validity, reliability through studies over many years. The best measure of validity is YOU – does it represent how others see you behaving at least 80+% of the time? If there is inaccuracy, it is typically caused by human errors– time, focus, objectivity. If you think too much, take too long, focus on more than one area or try to trick the instrument, the results could be inaccurate. It’s best to do it quickly, without too much analyzing, and go with your natural response or gut feeling.
Yes, it provides a snapshot of who you are in your adapted styles at the time you took the assessment, depending on the role you had in mind. Keep focused on a single role. What do I do if mine is inaccurate? Some styles never feel they get it “right”. Ask someone who know you what they see to ensure you aren’t missing something (blind spot).
Do you have the same attitudes, beliefs and values? Are you living the same life? DISC is a snapshot of how you see yourself in the activity, focus, and environment which you are answering. As you think, so you are. Behavior is always affected by the decisions you are making or may not make, and you can choose to change. However, your natural tendencies may be more consistent.


DISC measures the energy of life you are putting into dominating problems, influencing people, steadying the environment, and complying to rules and details. The energy line is the mid-line representing 50%: styles above it are high, and below it are low (in varying degrees). Below the line you are holding back energy, and above the line you are pushing energy forward. The energy line shows how much energy you are putting into each area.
What are you most and what are you least? Based on the words you sorted, your graphs are determined with you most scores showing as adapted, and least scores showing as natural. We are most honest about ourselves when we look at our “leasts” so your least answers are reversed to reveal your natural Style.
The number indicates where your highlighted boxes show up on the word sketch on the previous pages next to the 1-6 scale of intensity. Ex: (1324) – D is a 1, I is a 3, S is a 2, C is a 4 on your associated word sketch.
The wheel only plots 60 of the possible DISC Graphs. Plotting is determined by the styles that are 50% and above. The graphs are determined by what styles show up above the midline and their intensity so a variety of combinations can match a single segment on the wheel.
When all points are near the mid-line, you may get an unusual graph. Often this depends on focus while taking the assessment, inconsistent answers indicating stress and over-adapting, or someone uncertain of their role. This will typically show up with a missing star or circle on the Behavior Pattern View (Wheel). We recommend you take it over again in a few months


DISC should be used for no more than 20% of the job criteria at best and should not be used as a lone tool for selection. In combination with other evaluations, DISC can be helpful in providing supporting information or suggestions of where someone may fit on a team.
A self-assessment is from a single perspective - yours. The DISC 360° is designed to reveal the bigger picture of how those around you perceive your actions. By opening yourself up to receiving feedback, you’ll know how effectively (or not) you’re adapting your style.
Ask! The DISC 360° is intended to offer you an overall view of how those around you perceive your actions. The information in the report can be used as a starting point for discussion to ask clarifying questions. The key to this conversation is that it must be safe for feedback to be shared. Come to the conversation with authentic curiosity and a desire to understand what others are experiencing.
The feedback presented in the report is anonymous. A minimum of three observer responses are needed to maintain anonymity, and the 360° report will not generate until three responses are received. An unlimited number of observers can be invited to participate, and the cost is the same whether you have three observer responses or 300. We recommend inviting as many observers as possible for the best overall snapshot.

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